Of all the words in the English language the one I really love is "vivacious". I love the way it sounds, the way it is used, and what it implies.
In Gone with the Wind when the other Southern Belles are being mean about Scarlett O'Hara behind her back Melanie Hamilton (soon to be Mrs Ashley Wilkes) says that Scarlett is "just high spirited and vivacious". My sister and I will often use this line in describing each other as it is really quite perfect for almost any situation.
On Monday I had a job interview and I received the rejection email that afternoon. I wasn't too crushed because the two women I interviewed with were wearing this horrible ill-fitting grey suits and I was worried that it was some kind of uniform, and I just don't do ill-fitting grey suits! Anyway, when I sent out a group text to tell some of my friends that I had the interview and didn't get the job (probably beacuse I'm too stylish) one of my friends wrote back "You're to vivacious to work at that place". Isn't that a lovely thing to say. And she's probably correct. I had on a lovely blue and purple Cue dress, vintage black boots, and my auburn hair half pulled back with ringlets falling. While the women who interviewed me were wearing pale pastel colours shirts with their ill-fitting grey suits, and had boring hair. I definitely would have stood out in that office.
I stand out in most offices - that sounds conceited, but I'm just "high spirited and vivacious!"
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