The restaurant has a renovated stable where they screened the movie and it was really lovely. It would be a great venue for a wedding and I could really see myself getting married there, if only I could find a man!
Today the sun is shining and it looks as though there isn't too much wind either, which is great. I am going to take my motorbike out for a ride and visit an old friend of mine and her baby. I haven't seen her for a while, so I'm looking forward to seeing how much baby Isabelle has grown. I'm also hoping that Isabelle is starting to look more like her mum and less like her dad.
What I really should be doing today is housework, which is really what I should be doing every day, but the weekends sometimes end up being about hanging out with friends rather than doing what should be done. This afternoon I am going out to walk up a mountain with some friends - it is called a mountain but it is really more like a hill - and before that I might go and see a lecture about women finding their identity after World War II.
I will let you know how it goes.
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