Friday, August 7, 2009

a challenge

I am challenging myself to start writing, to keep writing, and eventually write a book - some kind of novel, either a romance or a chick-lit.
I am going to write because every time I see a psychic (not that I see psychics that often) they tell me that I should be writing. And today I finally discovered that dreaming about Anaconda's symbolises creativity. I haven't dreamt about Anaconda's for a while, but the fact that I dreamt about the vividly for an extended period says to me that I should do something more creative.
There is also a lot of money to be made in the Romance novel sector - although I'm not sure if I want to write a typical romance novel, or a more modern chick-lit type romance novel.

Currently I am working for a 'member based organisation', where I process member applications and deal with the many members who don't know how to fill out forms or provide the information that is required of them. This is also inspiring me to start writing, just so I am doing something with my brain! Otherwise I feel that my brain will eventually turn to mush, will dribble our of my ears, and I will become a drone in this quiet drone-like environment.

It is a cold and windy day today, and although the sun is shining bright and the sky is blue outside our windows, we can also hear the howling wind which reminds us not to go outside unless it is absolutely necessary. This has me worried. I am going out to dinner tonight and there will be a screening of the movie Sex and the City which may be screened outside. I can't imagine that they will actually force us outside since it is still getting down to some quite low temperatures at night - although they may have some of those super-duper heaters that many cafes are using nowadays.

So my challenge to myself is to write something on this blog every single day. I should be able to do this at work fairly easily, otherwise I will try and jump on the lap top at home, which shouldn't be too hard considering how much time I spend sitting on the couch. This too should stop....but we'll take it one step at a time.

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