When I visited my friend in the hospital I noticed that he was quite bossy and condescending. He has had a child before and he was telling her what she should be doing, and not letting her decide for herself or figure things out for herself. It wasn't that he was helping her, it was that he was telling her what she should be doing using the most condescending tone I have ever heard. Considering she had just gone through quite a difficult labor I was very surprised by his tone to her in general.

And yesterday it was worse. He had a go at her about the blinds, which were broken, and when she asked him to get some different forks out it was as though she had asked him to cut his own leg off! Now I have been at friends houses before and they bicker with their partners, but there is always a light-hearted tone to the bickering. It never sounds serious and cranky. The husband kept calling my friend "Dear", and let me tell you, there was nothing endearing about the tone he was using!! He may as well have been calling her "Whore".
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