Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I'm not sure why I'm scowling. I have a lot of my mind, and at times I'm resenting a lot of the stuff that I'm doing. I'm finding that certain things, which are meant to be fun, are not always fun they can be just plain annoying.
I would love to be able to sit at home and read or do my sewing, or just clean my house. But instead I'm at work, or doing work at home for Girls on the Move, or sorting out Tupperware crap. It's all just really annoying and I don't really want to do any of it.
But I have no 'legitimate' reason to not do this stuff, as I have found that people don't really accept "I just don't want to". But sometimes I just don't want to. I hate being really busy, I'd just like to relax, and when I'm busy I start resenting my friends because they take up even more of my time! And that's not a good way to be.
So I think my scowl might stick around for a while yet. But hopefully not long enough to make any permanent wrinkles!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
fascinating fashion
The tickets said "Dress to Impress" so I went out, got myself a hot glue gun and made a fascinator! I have to say, I think it worked quite well (and this really cute guy I met later on actually said "nice fascinator"!). I found these great purple feathers which matched my fabulous 1940s style shoes perfectly!!
I have to comment on the variety of styles that were at the Fashion Event. There were the fabulously stylish people, the horribly trendy guys (with too much hairspray!), the people who don't care, and then there's the people who care and try but miss! In particular there was one girl in a floral print strapless dress (worn over a black top and leggins). This might not sound too bad, but the dress was short (above the knee) and went out dramatically from the waist, hopefully with the aid of tulle. It was difficult to tell if the poufiness was from tulle or was just the way this girl was formed. She was a bit overweight so it was possible that she just had a huge ass!!
I know that sounds mean....but seriously, you should have seen what this girl was wearing! And I think she was with her mother whose dress was pinned up with bull-dog clips! It must run in the family!
Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009
morning tea
These morning teas usually consist of a few staples:
- mini sausage rolls
- cake of some kind
- dip and biscuits
Some people put on fabulous morning teas, while some people put on less than fabulous morning teas. Case in point: this morning we had about 4 loaves of bread (assorted types) and 4 dips (the cheapest ones you can find in the supermarket). Seriously. What a load of crap!
I know I probably shouldn't judge, but I'm very judgemental and I judge someone who is more than happy to enjoy other peoples efforts, but then provide the crappest morning tea ever!
I mean seriously! I'm already planning a menu for my morning tea, which will consist of zuchinni slice, mini crossaints, cup cakes, savory muffins, etc., but now I'm thinking maybe I will buy a packet of Jatz and one pot of dip and see how everyone takes it.
I am a big fan of time moving slowly, especially on weekends. You know those weekends when you get your house work done, catch up with a friend, and still have time to watch a couple of episode of Sex and the City. It's lovely. You feel like you have all the time in the world and there is no rush.
I am not a fan, however, of time moving slowly when I am at work. You know those days when you get to work, you do your first task or two and then look at the clock...and it's not even 10am yet! That's just plain upsetting.
Why is it when you are happy for the day to fly it often crawls along, whereas when you're in Melbourne for the weekend hanging out with your sister, the time flys!
I know they say "time flys when you're having fun", but there are days at work when the day does go quickly. It's just that they are few and far between.
Is there something that can be done to make time move more quickly when you're at work, and then slow down considerably when you're not? Maybe it's because I don't enjoy my work, and this morning I came in and not even one person replied to my "Good Morning" - not that that is anything new!
Hmmm....if only I could win Lotto and spend my time doing crafts and selling them on Etsy!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cross stitch is so cheap and easy to do (well I find it easy, it's just like a puzzle!), so I have decided to do more. On Etsy.com I found this great store, Bella Stitchery, and I have purchased some great "Pin Up" cross stitch patterns to make. One is a BBQ themed one, so I'm planning on working that into an apron, and the others I am planning on working into handbags. I also got a pattern of "Chat Noir" which I'll probably do and frame, or maybe work into a tote bag.
Hopefully I can churn these out fairly quickly and end up selling them on Etsy. There are some other great patterns that I would like to get including a great Rita Hayworth shot, some Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn shots, and some renaissance art and Van Gough patterns as well. It's all very exciting!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
lovely notes in birthday cards
You always look like Floriade!

My birthday is on the 19th, while one of my friends celebrates hers on the 16th, and so for the second year running we have combined our birthdays. We share a lot of the same friends, and they're all really lovely and get along quite well so the joint celebration always works quite well.
While sitting there with this large group of friends I realised how lucky I am to have such fantastic and wonderful friends. They're all quite diverse, but all really lovely and they all seem to care about me (which I sometimes find strange).
My parents even commented that I have a lovely group of friends. My sister has had the same core group of friends (about 6 close girlfriends) since high school, whereas I don't talk to anyone I went to high school with (they were all bitches!). So I guess that they're happy I even have friends!! Plus my Dad loved the fact that quite a few of them made some very yummy treats!
So I will dedicate this post to my lovely friends, even the ones who couldn't make it (because I know that the girls who read my blog couldn't make it to Floriade!), and say "thanks for being such wonderful friends!".
Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009
wedding dress
I'm hoping that when we go shopping for dresses and she starts trying some on the she will change her mind about the red dress. I think a coloured dress would be lovely and I definitely don't have anything against it, but I don't think it has to be red.
Yesterday I sent her the link to Unique Vintage, and this is the dress she has currently fallen in love with:
But we must keep in mind that she has only just started looking and so there is every chance she will change her mind.
I love this dress and I think it would look great on her. More than that, I love the little veil the model is wearing. My sister has short hair and so she was already thinking that a fascinater would look better than a long veil, and I think something like this could be perfect.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
bad influence

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not only do I think this website is great because of all of the wonderful things available to buy on it, but I'm also intrigued by the possibilities of selling things on it.
I think I will start small with some aprons or a couple of tote-bags, but then I might start making and selling more things.
Firstly I should focus on making things for Christmas, and the couple of dresses that I'd like to make. But the temptation of getting paid to do something that I enjoy is pretty great. I'd love to be able to quit my day job and just spend time writing and creating. But I suppose that if I was forced to make things every day I would probably tire of it pretty quickly.
vintage patterns
I have found some of the most wonderful vintage dress patterns on Ebay.

A) A great historical piece to be kept in pristine condition; or
B) A great historical style to be made and worn again and again!
I am going with the latter view.
Monday, September 14, 2009
green with envy
I envy people who have thorough and devoted support networks to help them and look after them.
I envy people who are truly happy.
I envy people who have true companionship.
I work in a not always positive environment where there are sometimes bitchy, or at least not very nice, comments thrown my way. My work is un-stimulating and slightly frustrating. And most times if you walk into my section it is dead silent. People in other sections refer to it as The Morgue.
I have a pile of washing up to do, a pile of ironing to do, I need to clean my bath, wash my bike, and generally try and keep my house clean. There are many people who don't have to do all of this on their own. Some people don't have to do any of it because they have wives or husbands (or maids) who do it for them. I often wish I had some help.
Sometimes I feel happy, and other times I don't feel happy. Are there people in the world who are truly happy? Or does that only exist in Disney? I often wish that I was in a Disney film, although admittedly the heroes and heroines in those films aren't always happy. Even when they do get to live happily ever after they've usually gone through a fair amount of heartache to get there (Snow White: poisoned; Sleeping Beauty: pricked her finger; Cinderella: locked up; Jasmine: held captive; Belle: attacked by wolves; Ariel: almost drowned; Pocahontas: causes a friends death; Mulan: gets attacked by Huns...you get the idea).
True companionship - humph! I can barely get my cat to stay in my apartment with me. I haven't had a decent date in almost two years, and I've never had an 'official' boyfriend. So yes, I envy those who are fortunate enough to have a true companion. Someone to share joys and sorrows with, someone to walk along the path that is life with.
I envy.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
dress making
I also got some different materials so that I can make a couple of work dresses, which I'm pretty excited about. I do enjoy making things, and now that I know I can make a dress that won't fall off I'm looking forward to making a lot more!
you'll be next
The comment made me wonder two things:
1. Why did she automatically assume that I was crying because I'm single? I was actually a bit teary because I was a little drunk and I'm going to miss my friend.

I guess the comment did make me stop crying pretty quick because I was just kind of shocked by it, so it achieved what my friend meant it to achieve. But it has also been playing on my mind because I'm wondering why she would just blatantly lie and who exactly she thinks I'm going to marry, especially since she confirmed that the guy I've had a crush on at work likes someone else at work and that they've been emailing non-stop, blah, blah, blah! So just who am I meant to be marrying?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
christmas plan
The plan is: to hand-make gifts for my friends and family. I'm not sure how much money this will save me (as I believe a quilt can be a bit expensive to make), but I think it will be quite nice to give some hand made gifts rather than just store bought crap. I may team some of my gifts with little touches from L'Occitane (my new favourite shop!).
The items I am thinking of making include:
- apron
- oven Mitt
- Christmas Stocking
- a variety of handbags/purses
- table accessories (place mats etc.)
- lap quilt
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
home decorating
While I was putting up the Cherry Blossom in my bathroom my cat actually started trying to climb it! It was very funny, but of course he stopped by the time I got my camera out.
Both of these items were bought from the Ebay Store "Ozdecocomau".
Sunday, September 6, 2009
as long as your eyes are blue

Wilt thou love me, sweet, when my hair is grey
And my cheeks have lost their hue?
When the charms of youth shall have passed away,
Will your love as of old prove true?
For the looks may change, and the heart may range,
And the love be no longer fond;
Wilt thou love with truth in the years of youth
And away to the years beyond?
Oh, I love you, sweet, for your locks of brown
And the blush on your cheek that lies --
But I love you most for the kindly heart
That I see in your sweet blue eyes.
For the eyes are the signs of the soul within,
Of the heart that is leal and true,
And mine own sweetheart, I shall love you still,
Just as long as your eyes are blue.
For the locks may bleach, and the cheeks of peach
May be reft of their golden hue;
But mine own sweetheart, I shall love you still,
Just as long as your eyes are blue.
by Banjo Paterson, first published in The Bulletin, 1891.
robert the bruce

Isn't that reassuring? A man who looks like Robert the Bruce is actually basically a 12 year old!
He also kept doing the same dance move over and over again, swinging me out, swinging me in, bla bla bla! The first couple of times it was fun, but then I was just plain bored!
Friday, September 4, 2009

I think I may have been a Geisha in a previous life.
A few things have led me to this assumption:
1. I simply adore Cherry blossoms. Something about them makes me smile;
2. I'm unusually (when compared with my friends) good at kneeling quite artistically;
3. When presented with a fan the other day I simply wanted to dance with it and make beautiful movements through the air; and
4. As they say in Memoirs of a Geisha "To a man, a geisha can only be half a wife. We are the wives of nightfall".
I feel that I am not meant to be truly loved (as Queen Victoria was truly loved). The only love I receive is half love, the love of nightfall I suppose.
Therefore I assume that I was a Geisha in a previous life.
the young victoria

I have to admit that I shed a few tears towards the end of the film, in particular after Albert jumps in front of a bullet aimed at Victoria (one of about 5 throughout her reign!) and says to her
You are my whole existence, and I will love you until my very last breath.
It is the most beautiful of sentiments and I hope one day that someone will say something similar to me.
I also have to acknowledge the fabulous costumes in the film. They were spectacular and amazing, and worn very well by the actors who seemed very comfortable in them. I am often annoyed when watching historical movies and seeing the actors look quite uncomfortable in their period costumes (Keira Knightley is a big culprit of this!).
glamorous dita

a thousand years

Thursday, September 3, 2009
internet revolution

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
sexy biker chick
Today I cruised in to work, and even though my new windscreen is obviously in the wrong position (and caused my head to get buffeted around something chronic) it was still so much fun! As I was walking into work I saw my crush (who has lost a fair bit of his charm of late), and stopped to hold the door open for him. I then walked ahead of him, helmet in hand, cute butt in a pair of cargos, and auburn pony-tail streaming.
Even though I'm so over trying to impress him or even make him like me, it was still a great feeling! For some reason holding my helmet and knowing that I just rode in on a motorbike (something that not even that many men do!) made me feel untouchable!
Don't hate me, 'cause you ain't me!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
in love

jaunty hat
I pulled out my cream beanie/beret, which complemented my predominantly black and cream outfit nicely, and suited the waves I put in my auburn hair perfectly.
I've also pulled out my Voodoo swirly-seemed stockings, which are such a lovely touch to any outfit. I am determined to get some more when I see them.
I'm thinking that next time I pull together such a lovely outfit, with great accessories, I need to get some photos so that I can put them on my blog. I shall see how I'm looking when I get home tonight and might take a photo then.