Something has changed in my cat, Winston, lately.
He is more playful - absolutely loving his tunnel! Pouncing in to it, going through the middle holes (and getting kind of stuck), and wanting me to play with him. It is very cute! The photo above is of Winston in his tunnel - he is often upside down trying the grab the feather thing that we play with! Notice the fangs on him - so adorable!
But even cuter is his new sleeping habit. Usually Winston will sleep down the end of the bed, or in the middle (with me wrapping my body around him so that he isn't disturbed), or even just stay out on the couch. But lately he is sleeping right up against my waist or chest. It is so very cute! And this morning he woke up a couple of times, would sit there and look at me, realise that I was still sleeping and so he would curl up again. Then when my alarm went off he sat up and gently tapped me on the nose (without his claws out!)!
He really is my most favourite of cats!
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