There is something unnerving when the word "petite" which is printed on your t-shirt is stretched across your very full tummy!When getting dressed this morning I noticed that my muffin-top was a little bigger than usual. It is true that I'm wearing my tight jeans, but the muffin top was definitely more pronounced! What to do? Change my top of course! But then I realised that all of my t-shirts fit basically the same, and I'm just going to have to put up with being a little chubby today. Then, when I finished my lunch (nachos from the local food van - yummy!!), I noticed that my t-shirt was looking a little more stretched than usual. Oh well! I was single when I was thin, so I doubt being a little chubby will change it. And you never know, maybe I'll attract a "feeder" who will assist me in getting even fatter!
Last night I had another series of strange dreams. I remember waking up in between a couple and thinking "oh, I have to remember these so I can write about them on my blog".
One of the dreams concerned the Pink Ribbon Ride I'm participating in this weekend. Something happened and my Mum and Dad were late in picking me up. We were supposed to be at the park by 8:30, but they didn't arrive until 10:30. And then it was only Mum because on the way home the night before Dad had become curious about a fence, touched it and been electrocuted! I don't know what that is supposed to mean!
I'm struggling to remember the other dream I had. I have a feeling it may have been about shopping or being at a shop or something like that.
These kind of dreams are I think just random chemicals reacting in my brain. I don't believe that they mean anything or have a deeper level of understanding.
Today I wore my vintage dress, that I have made, to work.
It is from a fabulous vintage pattern that I bought off Ebay (people selling their dead grandma's patterns, I love it!), and fabric that was on sale, $8 per meter, at Spotlight.
The dress took me probably 12 hours to make, and I had to alter the top of the dress to suit my figure and style, which also meant I had to alter the sleeves (well straps really) quit significantly.
All in all though, a successful effort and I'm looking forward to my next dress!
Over the weekend I had a couple of strange dreams. One I can't mention because it contains a guy from work who is totally inappropriate! But so Jeremy Irons/Sean Connery!
But the one that I can remember was about Jelly Belly Beans! In my dream it was my birthday, and my sister's friends picked me up in their Ice Cream truck (I don't know why they were driving an ice cream truck), and took me to a Candy Expo where there were just heaps and heaps of Candy suppliers and manufacturers. In particular there was a Jelly Belly Bean stand, and you didn't just get one or two samples, they would give you a bag and you could load yourself up with free candy! And the Karaoke guy from PJ's (a regular hang out of mine) was manning the Jelly Belly Bean stall.
Today, with help from some of my lovely friends, I started my first quilt.
I took this pile of fabric And by the end of the day I had these five squares to start making up my quilt! I have home work to do of course. I have 4 'Log Cabins' to make up to complete the 9 squares required for this lap quilt. I have to get some batting, cut out some strips to join it all together neatly, and get some material for the back.I thought that I might give this to someone for Christmas, but I'm so proud of it that I think I will keep it for myself and make another one to give to someone.
He is more playful - absolutely loving his tunnel! Pouncing in to it, going through the middle holes (and getting kind of stuck), and wanting me to play with him. It is very cute! The photo above is of Winston in his tunnel - he is often upside down trying the grab the feather thing that we play with! Notice the fangs on him - so adorable!
But even cuter is his new sleeping habit. Usually Winston will sleep down the end of the bed, or in the middle (with me wrapping my body around him so that he isn't disturbed), or even just stay out on the couch. But lately he is sleeping right up against my waist or chest. It is so very cute! And this morning he woke up a couple of times, would sit there and look at me, realise that I was still sleeping and so he would curl up again. Then when my alarm went off he sat up and gently tapped me on the nose (without his claws out!)!
I believe that there are Gremlins in my house stealing things.
I have lost the key to a Post Office Box for a club that I am Secretary for! I have looked everywhere, and it isn't anywhere in my house and it especially isn't where it should be! This is so frustrating! I hate losing things and it has put me in a bad mood. Actually, come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I was in a good mood.
A couple of months ago I also lost a pumpkin bag full of key rings (don't ask why I had it in the first place). It just disappeared, and the only explanation is that it was taken by the Gremlins that steal everything!
I have finished reading all of the Harry Potter books! They were so stressful that I seriously think they were causing me headaches and making me scowl!
But, let's follow up what I mentioned in my previous post after finishing The Half Blood Prince. - Snape will come back to the good side by saving Harry, or even sacrificing himself to help Harry, Well Snape did kind of save Harry, and we definitely found out that he wasn't evil. I always had a soft spot for Snape although I didn't know why, but now I know it's because we both suffer from unrequited love - although it has never made me go over to the dark side! - Hermione and Ron will either get together or date other people. I'm a bit sick of the back and forth crap. Well Hermione finally kisses Ron when he says that they should protect the House Elves, and they end up together in the last chapter (which seemed a little quickly put together), but I don't honestly think they would have stayed together in reality - they irritated each other too much. - Harry will realise that he is better off with Ginny than without her. I'm not sure if Harry did realise that he was better off with Ginny, but they end up together in the end (naturally!) - Maybe they will realise the prophecy was about Neville, and Neville will end up killing Voldemort...hmmm.. Neville didn't end up killing Voldemort, but he did help by killing the snake. So I was kind of right about that.
All in all I did enjoy the books, although I'm not sure how kids can read them as they're fairly depressing!!
I always seem to have the most crazy dreams. They're not affected by what I eat or drink, although I do sometimes find that if I eat close to my bed time I do usually have a pretty weird dream. Some of my dreams have been:
Walking around Windsor Castle observing the renovations, and then having to defend the Royal family from attack using a really large machine gun. This is a very exhausting dream since I'm running around all the time being shot at.
Anacondas - for a while there I went through a period of dreaming about Anacondas. Sometimes there would just be Anacondas in my dream, at other times I was hunting Anacondas and in one dream I was part Anaconda myself!
I have had a dream that I was at someones farm and they let me ride their Bison. The Bison and I got along really well, so the owner let me have him.
The other night I had a dream that I was actually a guy, but I was still me. So it was more like being a girl trapped inside a boys body. And a girl wanted to have sex with me, but I wasn't really into it so I stopped, said sorry and left. Outside one of my friends was playing their keyboard (which was held together with that strong black tape).
In another recent dream I was being held hostage by two men (in my old childhood home) because my cousin (who was actually a guy that I used to work with) owed them $9,000 in gambling debts. They were nice hostage keepers though, they offered a payment plan and everything. I ended up falling for one of the hostage keepers, or he fell for me, and having a baby with him.
I have also had dreams where people are murdered. I'm usually just observing the murder - I'm not doing it myself or being murdered, just watching. What is weird about these murder dreams is how I just accept the murder like it's an every day thing.
Those are all of the strange dreams that spring to mind at the moment. But I think I will write my dreams on this blog in future. It will be a good way to keep track of them.
Be warned - spoilers for the Harry Potter books, up to and including The Half Blood Prince, are in this post.
I have just finished reading Harry Potter: and the Half Blood Prince, and I am completely unimpressed! It was a horrible ending! I have only recently started reading all of the books, I managed to stay away from the Harry Potter phenomenon when it was happening, and I can see why people are hooked! Although I think that I have been quite stressed and cranky lately because of these books. There are little glimpses of sunshine but then it is all gloom and doom, and I think it is getting to me! I am going to be happy once I have finished reading the last book!
But last night when Snape killed Dumbeldore, I just couldn't believe it! I know that Snape comes across as evil, and Harry hates him, but I always thought that Snape would be one of the good guys. Sure he has a few issues, don't we all! But in the long run I thought he would end up helping Harry, if not saving him. So I couldn't believe it when he ran into the room and just killed Dumbeldore, just like that. Not happy.
And then Harry breaks up with Ginny. And what a bullshit excuse, "Voldemort could use you against me if we keep going out". Well guess what genius, if you still love her, then Voldemort probably will use her against you whether you're dating or not! Boys are so dumb! Even boy wizards!!
Today I will buy the last book and get to reading. This is what I'm hoping for: - Snape will come back to the good side by saving Harry, or even sacrificing himself to help Harry, - Hermione and Ron will either get together or date other people. I'm a bit sick of the back and forth crap. - Harry will realise that he is better off with Ginny than without her. - Maybe they will realise the prophecy was about Neville, and Neville will end up killing Voldemort...hmmm....
Today marks the 60th Anniversary of the Communist Regime in China. There is a Chinese guy who works in my office, and he has put up a picture of Chairman Mao and is celebrating this anniversary. I am sure that this regime did a great deal for the country but I can't help to think of the consequences, just as Hitler brought Germany back from the depression and was a successful statesman until he started killing Jews. 60 years of communism in China represents over 40 million people killed by the Chinese government. It represents the destruction of the holy country of Tibet and the peace-loving people who lived there. It represents the oppression of free speech and even free thought. News articles (where you can find them, and ninemsn seem oddly quiet) have made mention of the efforts scientists are going to to ensure that there are no clouds in the sky and it doesn't rain on the celebration parade. The Chinese regime are oppressing the natural functions of the weather, just as they oppress the natural aspirations of their people.
I cannot celebrate a country who killed hundreds of students who were staging a peaceful protest. I cannot celebrate a country who have exiled the Dali Lama from his country. I cannot celebrate a country who enact the toughest censorship laws in the world. I just can't do it.