Last night I dreamt that I was a Prisoner of War.
I had been working at an air show, and while being quite impressed by a demonstration we realised that it wasn't a demonstration and that the planes were actually shooting at us! Running back into the hanger we became prisoners.
The dream went on with a few random encounters. Then I went up to one of the guards, who looked a lot like Paul Bettany, and asked if it could be arranged for us to have just 5 minutes outside in the fresh air - I was craving fresh air! There were some women who were allowed to go outside to hang washing, but I wasn't one of them. The guard was sympathetic and I could tell that he was a nice person, even if he was keeping me prisoner.
Then I had an altercation with another prisoner and a female guard intervened. I think the other prisoner was killed but I can't remember. When I came back from this meeting I stood there and looked outside - the prisoners were outside enjoying the fresh air. I saw the male guard and he smiled at me and I mouthed the words "thank you".

He then pulled me aside and said that he was leaving. The war was almost over, and he had to go home to Canada. He showed me a card with a baby on it and the year 2036. I think this was either his baby, or his expected baby.
He shook my hand but didn't let go. I took his hand and put it on my cheek. I was crying. He was upset, looking in my eyes, and I told him "I've always loved you".
He pulled his hand back and walked away.
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