Phrases such as "There's my girl" and "Look after your girl" just irritate me and make me want to scream out "I'm not your girl!!".
I'm sure, however, that when a big spunky guy (along the lines of Jason Statham) calls me his girl I will swoon with delight.

I know I'm just in a foul mood because I'm the only person I know spending Christmas alone again! Well, that's not entirely true. I have a friend who is enjoying her first Christmas since her husband left her, and I'm not exactly alone since I spent the day with my parents, but you know what I mean. Yesterday when everyone was leaving work to spend time with their partners, I was going home to an empty (although it's actually over-full) apartment. My cat wasn't even home.
I'm really getting quite fed up with this being alone thing. But am I willing to settle for one of the guys that I know like me, even though I don't find them the least bit attractive? Do they deserve to be "settled" for? Shouldn't someone choose to be with them? I just wish the right guy would choose to be with me.
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