Tonight is New Years Eve and we are welcoming in 2010. I am heading to my friend's house for a fancy dress party dressed as Jane Austen. I have to stop at the supermarket on the way to pick up some meat to BBQ, although I could have gone earlier today, but why waste a great costume? Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post a photo or two of my great Regency Period dress that I finished making yesterday. All up I would say it probably only took 30 hours or so. And I owe my mum a big thanks for helping pin the hem.
So what do I have planned for 2010?
- I'm going to learn Arabic.
- I'm going to try and keep on top of my house work, probably by implementing a reward system (I'll make a little chart, and get a tick for every piece of housework I do, and when I get 10 ticks I will get $10 to spend on crafty stuff or anything that I want).
- I'm going to start tap dancing again. It's a great skill and will be my fitness effort.
- I'm planning to make items to sell on Etsy, hopefully this will go well.
- I'm going to promote my event management business....hmmm....how, I don't yet know. But I have an advertisement going into the local Wedding Guide, so hopefully that generates some business.
- I will not be so generous towards people who just don't appreciate it. I limited my generosity last year, but I think I need to limit it even more.
I would like to strive towards having someone to kiss next New Years Eve, but I think that is a waste of time. This will be my tenth kissable New Years Eve (not counting any before I was 18) and I'm still waiting for a kiss. Although I did get an offer of sex from a guy I dated when I was 22. Hmmm....I don't think so. Although after spending time with my spinster aunt maybe I should think about it. Here are some boyfriend options that I have rejected:
- Gay Guy (apparently this guy really liked me, I thought he was gay, now I can't actually remember him);
- Dirty/Stupid Guy(the guy I dated who has offered me sex. I was his housemate for a while and I learnt that he doesn't wash his sheets and he thinks that history is boring);
- Fat/Philosophy major Guy (someone I don't find physically attractive, and he studied philosophy and so is one of those guys who just likes to argue about everything for the sake of it - very annoying!);
- A*hole Guy (the Fireman I lost my virginity to, who stopped returning my calls, but then texted about a month later saying that he really is a "good guy" and that we should go out);
- White South African Guy (tells racist jokes, although he is friends with a black Kenyan guy, strange).
So really, when I complain about not having any options for a relationship that isn't really true. There are plenty of options. None that I really like...and I think that all of these guys deserve to be with a woman who chooses to be with them, not one that settles for them.
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