Friday, July 30, 2010

prisoner of war

Last night I dreamt that I was a Prisoner of War.

I had been working at an air show, and while being quite impressed by a demonstration we realised that it wasn't a demonstration and that the planes were actually shooting at us! Running back into the hanger we became prisoners.

The dream went on with a few random encounters. Then I went up to one of the guards, who looked a lot like Paul Bettany, and asked if it could be arranged for us to have just 5 minutes outside in the fresh air - I was craving fresh air! There were some women who were allowed to go outside to hang washing, but I wasn't one of them. The guard was sympathetic and I could tell that he was a nice person, even if he was keeping me prisoner.

Then I had an altercation with another prisoner and a female guard intervened. I think the other prisoner was killed but I can't remember. When I came back from this meeting I stood there and looked outside - the prisoners were outside enjoying the fresh air. I saw the male guard and he smiled at me and I mouthed the words "thank you".
He then pulled me aside and said that he was leaving. The war was almost over, and he had to go home to Canada. He showed me a card with a baby on it and the year 2036. I think this was either his baby, or his expected baby.

He shook my hand but didn't let go. I took his hand and put it on my cheek. I was crying. He was upset, looking in my eyes, and I told him "I've always loved you".

He pulled his hand back and walked away.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

best party ever

On the weekend a friend of mine had a party. It was a Mad Hatters Party - we all had to wear hats. And it was fabulous!

I commented to one of my friends at the party that there was a very good ratio of men to women there, and we both agreed that it was the best ratio either of us had ever seen at a party. Not only were there a good amount of men present, the men that were there also seemed to be of a good quality. It was a rare occurrence of quantity and quality!

And it turned out that we were right, the ratio was fantastic and at least four men (that we know of) went home with girls phone numbers! It is true that two of those men have the same girls number, but all is fair in love and war.

I also believe that the hats may have helped a bit. I was wearing a Jordanian scarf over my hair, and when I guy walked in with a Bedouin head dress he was told that his perfect match was here and brought directly over to me. He ended up asking for my friends number, but I will take credit for that since he came over to talk to me!

There were also people wearing sombreros who congregated and I believe a little match was made there as well!

Well over the next week there are a couple of girls in town who will be having first dates with these men, I wonder if they will lead to second and third dates? I hope so!

Monday, July 12, 2010

shopping list for a husband

A friend of mine has lent me the book Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr Good Enough by Lori Gottlier, and in the prologue of this book Lori has written her 'Shopping list for a man' - and to all the people who think that I'm too fussy, just check out this list (with my comments in Pink.
  • Intelligent - well dah! Of course you want a guy who is at least a little bit smart!
  • Kind - once again, isn't that a given?
  • Extremely funny - why 'extremely' funny? How about just a little bit funny?
  • Curious - what do you mean? As in 'curious about anal sex', I DON'T THINK SO!!
  • Loves kids - in a pedophile way? Do you want a husband or a father?
  • Financially stable - that would be good. You don't want to have to support him.
  • Emotionally stable - naturally.
  • Sexy - like Justin Timberlake? I don't think many guys are really that sexy.
  • Romantic - that would be appreciated. But my Dad once scraped the ice off my mum's car, so she wouldn't have to do it, and I think that is more Romantic than anything in a fairy tale.
  • Passionate - to the extent of doing it in a toilet at the pub? I don't think 'passion' is that important.
  • Compassionate - hmm....don't really know about this one.
  • Irreverent - that's a big word.
  • Intuitive - how about psychic?
  • Generous - considering how used I am to being spoilt, I'm going to say that this would be a good quality.
  • Same religion but not too religious - I just want someone who is open about religion and not in a cult all kinds of brain-washed!
  • Optimistic but not naive - just asking for too much.
  • Ambitious but not a workaholic - once again, asking too much.
  • Talented but humble - I'm thinking a saint would be more likely!
  • Warm but not clingy - I thought she wanted someone who is passionate!
  • Grounded but not boring - grounded?
  • Soulful but not new-agey - what about religion?
  • Vulnerable but not weak - are you serious!
  • Quirky but not weird - no comment.
  • Free-spirited but responsible - how about someone who wears flowers in his hair?
  • Charismatic by genuine - kind of like James Bond.
  • Strong but sensitive - like He-Man I'm thinking.
  • Athletic but not a sports nut - what if he was one of those hot soccer players?
  • Open-minded but has conviction - does this really need to be on the list?
  • Decisive but not bossy - personally I kind of like it when a guy tells me what to do!
  • Mature but not old - how about 'young at heart, but not young'.
  • Creative but not an artist - creative how? Embroiders his own pillows?
  • Supportive of my dreams and goals - this one is ok.
  • Has a sense of wonderment about the world - WHAT??
  • Is close to my age (shares my cultural references) - the cultural references thing makes sense.
  • Good listener and communicator - maybe you'd be better off with a woman!
  • Flexible and can compromise - as long as he's bendy!
  • Sophisticated - well educated, well traveled, has been around - I think the well traveled and well educated options are good.
  • Over 5'10" but under 6'0" - as long as he's taller than me, it's all good.
  • Has a full head of hair (wavy and dark would be nice - no blonds) - I actually don't mind bald guys, and have lately been attracted not only to blonds but rangers as well.
  • Has shared political views - this is a good one.
  • Is not into sci-fi or comic books - this could be a problem because actually don't mind a bit of sci-fi or comic book movies.
  • Has good taste/sense of aesthetics - well if he's going out with me he obviously has good taste!
  • Health-conscious and physically fit - I agree with this one - but not if he tries to make me exercise.
  • Cares about the community at large - and is attempting to achieve saint-hood.
  • Cares about animals - this is a good point.
  • Competent - well you definitely don't want him to be incompetent.
  • Handy around the house - yep, I need this one.
  • Cooks - as long as he can look after himself and not starve, that's good enough for me.
  • Likes the outdoors (hiking, biking, Rollerblading) - I guess this would be good.
  • Likes my friends (and I like his) - this is a fairly good one as well, I wouldn't want his friends to be jerks.
  • Not moody - yeah, I'm moody enough for the both of us.
  • Trustworthy - would I be dating him if he wasn't?
  • Is a team player - are we on a team?
  • Is literary and enjoys wordplay - 'wordplay' like scrabble!?!
  • Is math or science oriented - I thought she wanted someone creative?
  • Likes discussing (but not arguing about) world politics and world events - this would be good, although I don't mind a good argument.
  • Stylish - nah, I'm stylish enough for the both of us.
  • Not a slob - this is an important one.
  • Is madly in love with me - yep, I want this. I want a guy to sweep me off my feet!
Isn't this the longest list ever! And so specific! With a list like this I'm not surprised that she struggled to find a man. And the next time someone says that I'm too fussy I'm going to show them this list - there are things I here that I would never have thought of, and that I wouldn't event bother thinking of.

I'm sure that this book will continue to inspire me to write more posts, so stay tuned.


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