Monday, February 28, 2011
fashion victims
Friday, February 25, 2011
five languages of love
The five languages are:
- words of affirmation
- quality time
- receiving gifts
- acts of service
- physical touch
But then there are the 'acts of service' - when my boyfriend carried my carry-on bag all around the airports for me. It was my choice to bring a carry on bag, and so I was prepared to carry it, but he would take it off me every time. That's love.
What is your love language - there is a link at the bottom of my blog to the 5 love languages quiz.

Monday, February 21, 2011
new design
I realised that I have had this blog for a while now, and maybe it needed a bit of a pick-me-up. There's nothing like a new pair of shoes to make you feel better, so here they are: blue, kind of stripey, shoes.
Will this get me more readers? I don't know - probably not. But I'm going to make an effort to write about interesting things...not just ramble on about my own very boring issues.
Wish me luck!

it's not like I don't have anyone reading my blog, I just don't have the thousands that some other blogs have.
Why? Maybe it's the name of my blog "The Duchess" it's not very descriptive is it. It doesn't tell you what this blog is about. But what is this blog about? Not much - just my random musings on life, and my opinions on stuff.
The average time on the site is only 24 seconds...hmm...what can I do to get people to stay longer? Maybe I need more drama or I need something that people actually want to read about. But that is the $50,000 question, isn't it? What do you want to read about?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
fight for your right
It's very frustrating when you go to do something that is meant to be your responsibility only to find it has already been done - and not because I took too long to do it, but because the other person just decided to do it themselves.
I also think that I'm going to need to say to a work mate "I sometimes feel that you think I'm stupid with the tone you use to talk to me. I have a university degree and fairly high intelligence level (proof of which can be found in the fact that I understand things more quickly and more concisely than you do) so I don't need things explained to me as though I'm retarded".
But then I run the risk of offending this person because she's highly strung.
And then I think that the more highly strung you are and high maintenance you are the more support you receive from management here. Which is a bit annoying, because I can't be bothered making a fuss for no reason, but without that fuss I don't get any recognition!
Friday, February 4, 2011
don't want to rush things

- You want things to stop?
- You want things to slow down?
- You're feeling rushed/pressured?
- Or you're just a dick?
They're probably some of the most often said words in relationships but I don't think they actually express what is going on with the person who is saying them. Especially when that person says things like "I'll always want to marry you".
So really - what does that mean!?!?!
end of business