Well I have to admit, the title statement is a lie. I have shopped like that before, just not in a very long time. It has probably been a year since I have bought anything that I didn't really need (around the time I returned from Egypt to find that I had speant way more than I meant to!). But with a pay rise, some pays overlapping and weird tax stuff, I found extra money in my bank account and so I went shopping!
This is what I bought over the weeked:
Pleasure Stay bra
Elle McPherson underpants
Target gumboots
Cue winter coat (actually on lay-by, but their lay-by is only for 3 weeks, so I'll include it in this tally)
Joanne Mercer red boots
Carmen Steffans fabulous 40s heels
Target wall clock
Bras'N'Things undies (I feel I was ripped off here, I asked if the '3 for $20' pants were comfy and wouldn't ride up my bum, and was told that they were really popular because they don't ride up your bum. But the first pair I wore went right up my bum! Cranky!)
Lush buffy bar & bath bomb thing
Big W pump pack for moisturiser (rather than buying the $99 Aesop moisturiser in a pump pack)
Review blue top (totally cute!)
So the only thing I 'need' to buy to complete my 2010 winter wardrobe is some black leather gloves (mine are brown), and I might get some more hats for the season. I'm also waiting on my Dad to acquire me an umbrella from his work, since I'm now walking to work (hence the gum boots).
I think I'm pretty much set for this winter - although I do have to make a few new work dresses, and a fur stole or muff.
So I have relapsed into my Shopaholic ways (I even bought a couple of magazines), but I'm determined not to let it get the better of me, and once I get my Cue coat out of lay-by that will be the end of my naughty shopping ways!
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