I desire a nice knitted sweater, but I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for it, so I'm going to try and make one for myself! I went to buy a knitting pattern, but luckily I read through the pattern before I bought it. Lucky because I realised that I can't read knitting patterns and I have no idea what I'm doing!
Enter a book: Not your mamas knitting. Bought from an actual bookstore in an attempt to support the dying out chain that my sister was working for.
It is pretty handy and fairly easy to follow, and when it isn't easy to follow I simply head to YouTube and find a tutorial. For example, knitting on a round needle just wasn't working for me no matter how much I yelled at it. So I found a YouTube tutorial and now I should be able to do it (I haven't tried yet).
Things I have learnt:
Cable stitch - very cool for jumpers and the like
Fishermans rib - essential for the bottoms of jumpers and sleeves
Assorted abbreviations - it's like a whole new language! Very strange!
And so I don't think I'll be letting this book out of my sight any time soon. Oh, I should contact it so that it doesn't get damaged. I will do that this Sunday. I'll spend some time contacting all of my books. It's not weird - it protects them!
Roller Derby is my latest passion! I love the speed of it, the roughness and the complexity. I love that it's a bunch of girls playing a rough sport! I love that you don't just go out and throw a ball around, but you have costumes personalities and bruises!
The Canberra Roller Derby League (or CRDL as its known to those too lazy to say the whole thing) is the local league which features 4 teams: The BrindaBelters, The Black & Blue Belles, The Surly Griffins & The Red Bellied Black Hearts. All of the teams are awesome, but I probably see myself as more of a Red Bellied Black Heart - they dress up as pirates when they're not playing! I'm waiting for more information to come out about the Fresh Meat intake, but I'm all set to go. I have my skates, my helmet, pads for my knees and elbows and wrist guards. I'm planning to get out on my skates at lunch time as often as I can. I didn't today because, lets face it, I'm lazy. But hopefully I will tomorrow! Check out http://www.canberrarollerderbyleague.com/ for more information!