The other night I was flicking channels on TV and I came across a segment that I had seen advertised on one of our current affairs show. This segment was about some dodgy guy and the girls he had used and abused. One of them had a kid, the other two were there saying how horrible he was, and then they talk to him and I am honestly surprised that he could get one girl to go out with him, let alone multiple girls at the same time!
He is on the dole, has all sorts of piercings, and looks malnourished!
At the end of the segment the 'anchor woman' said "And if you've had a relationship with this guy we want to hear from you.".
It made me go "I wonder if from now on when a guy is a poo head can we just call a current affairs show and get them to do a name and shame on him?".
Can you imagine!! This is the fireman who took this girls virginity and then stopped returning her calls. He also has had charges against him for assault on a previous girl friend!
Or, meet this charming and good looking man. He lies about being married! Have you dated him assuming he is single? Call us!
It is all just a little bit ridiculous, isn't it. Really they should be running a story on "Why women go out with arse holes!" or "How does this dead beat even get a girlfriend?". Those are the kinds of stories I want to see!
Apparently its ok to pick on boys for being arseholes, but its not P.C to talk about how women make bad choices... French guy with a girlfriend, tradie who doesn't even like me... we've all been there but no one wants to talk about it!!