Anyway, it is these small successes that make me wonder "what more could I do". I currently have an idea in my head for at least one dress, probably more. And these are dresses that won't be made entirely from patterns, but from my head.
My plan is to copy onto brown paper a few key pattern pieces that I can re-use and alter (like I did for my one-shouldered dress), but then make most things without an actual pattern.
I have had a look at some different Fashion Design courses you can do, and they all start with Fashion Illustration - which is a problem because I can't draw! But I am going to borrow a book from the library (I'm on the wait list for it) and see if I can learn. If worse comes to worse I can have print outs of figures and then draw the clothes on, that I could do I'm sure!
And then the questions is: do I design things just for myself, or do I try and sell some things....hmmm...watch this space.