Dancing away with my friends in T&G I noticed a guy through the crowd. He looks like (or at least has an air of) Michael from Grease 2 (see below). He was tall, light brown hair, button-down shirt unbuttoned enough to show some chest hair (my friends and I agreed that it was very 'manicured' but I liked it anyway!). He has a cute smile and even a chin dimple (slight, and discovered once he moved closer). He just has the clean-cut look about him, but as we know from Grease 2, the clean cut guys can become 'Cool Riders' and join the T-Birds!

So I smiled at Michael (as he will hence forth be known), and he definitely saw me. BTW, just so you know I had on a black short skirt, black heels, maroon top, the top half of my hair pulled back and my glasses on. I, naturally, pointed Michael out to my friends and one of the agreed that he did look like Michael from Grease 2. I noticed Michael talking to his friend and his friend then looking over at us.
So we kept dancing away, Michael made his way over towards us and then stood behind me. When someone walked past and luckily I had to fall back into Michael he made his move. And his opening line....."Do you girls work in the public service?".
Me: "No".
Him: "Because those glasses look nerdy"
Me: "I'm going for the naughty librarian look"
And from there we were off and running.
At one point I thought he was after one of my friends, which I resigned myself to but happily knew he would be disappointed since she has a boyfriend. But she maintains that she could tell he was always interested in me. He was a little random, asking how tall I am and being amazed at how tiny I am. He picked me up to confirm that I was tiny (he's 6'2", an economist and 32 years old).
Anyways, eventually he grabbed me for a bit of a 'groove/grind' (which I'm not really in to because I like to be able to dance normally without obstruction). Then I said "we're going to King O'Malley's now"....and he asked for my number!!
Then we left and I let him kiss me on the cheek, to which he responded "You can do better than that" and he got a kiss on the mouth - but not a pash. I'm not going to give the milk away for free. And there was a couple who had basically be mating on the dance floor, which put me off any kind of smooching in public.
BTW - why is it when you only give guys a peck they respond with "you can do better than that". It's not the first time a guy has said that to me and I just think it is the weirdest comment.
I already received a message from Michael, at 5am saying "Sorry I didn't get back to you, my phone died". I responded this morning with "then I'm lucky you got my number before your phone died ;-)". We'll see if anything progresses from there...I'm trying not to get my hopes up since boys are poo, but we'll see.
I really really wanna watch Grease 2 now... :)
ReplyDeleteI think "you can do better than that" also means "what about a pash?... maybe a blowjob or even a shag if you feel like it?" in male language...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the "male language" translation... it is much appreciated. Hopefully he was just asking for a pash, although when I'm 5'2" and he is 6'2" the blow job probably isn't far from his mind either! ;-)