In particular I threw out my horse ribbons and most of my horse books (I only kept one).
After being involved with horses through most of my teen years I became un-involved when my parents and I moved to the country. It turns out that it is harder to find horse agistment in the country than it is to find it in the city. I moved my horse from a paddock that had established yards, dressage arena, jumps and trail rides to an empty paddock with nothing in it. I also went from a paddock where other people would ride and you could make friends to not knowing anyone. Then when I decided to go to Uni and I was working a lot I realised that rather than leave my lovely horse (who was still quite young) sitting in a paddock doing nothing I should sell him to someone who would use him.

So when sorting through all of the stuff Mum has kept for me I came across a pile of horse ribbons that I had won when I was young. There was only one blue ribbon, and that belonged to Doc not me. One of my friends took him in an event and won on him - something I never could do. So the ribbons have gone. The saddles have gone (except for one that my Dad has kept for himself, just in case). The grooming kit has gone and the horse books have gone as well. I have let go of that part of my life, but I yearn for the day when I will have the time and money to ride again.
You did the right thing, which is usually the hardest, and in this instance, the most loving. x